The meadow of love has a distinct among the rest of the fields.
The heart shaped meadow during autumn season.
مرج الحب له شكل يميزه عن حميع الحقول حوله.
It is a heart-shaped meadow that was created by a devoted farmer as a tribute to his wife, who died in 1995 at age of 50 from heart failure, so she can see it from heavens. | إنه مرج له شكل قلب خلقه فلاح عاشق تخليدا لزوجته التي توفيت في عام 1995 وعمرها 50 عاما بسبب قصور في القلب، حتى تراه من السماء. |
The heart shaped meadow during autumn season.
المرج الذي له شكل القلب في موسم الخريف.